On this page you can find all our events.

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Workshop ” Affordability in Design”

Previous Next The Russian Book House hosted a seminar on the theme ” Affordability in Design”. In the framework of this meeting, participants discussed the importance ...

The Book Club “Saroyan”

Previous Next The Book Club “Saroyan” celebrated six months of its activity!Thanks to the club members for their activeness! ...

“Eurasia Global” International Youth Forum

Previous Next The International Youth Forum “Eurasia Global” was held in Orenburg. Its organizers are the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) and the government of the ...

The pupils of “Zatik” Children Support Centre visited the Museum of

Previous Next By the initiative of the “Russian Book House” in Yerevan, the pupils of the “Zatik” Children Support Centre, visited the Museum of Russian Art in Yerevan, ...

The summer school of the educational centre “Mind Centre”

Previous Next “The Russian Book House” was visited by the students of the summer school of the educational centre “Mind Centre”. ...

The day of Kapan City

Previous Next In Kapan, the ” Russian Book House” in cooperation with the Library of M. Papyan held an event dedicated to the Day of Kapan. ...