On this page you can find all our events.

Section Title

Memorial Evening

Previous Next In memory of the victims of the Spitak earthquake and as a sign of gratitude to the peoples of Russia and those who helped Armenia in the difficult days of 1988, the DIALOGUE ...

Open lesson

Previous Next The ” Russian Book House” was visited by students of the main school of Arai village. ...

“Saroyan” Book Club

Previous Next In the “Russian Book House” the book club “Saroyan” held another discussion with the modern writer David Samvelyan. The book by J. Saramago ” Death with ...

“Manipulations” Seminar

Previous Next The seminar “Manipulations” was held in the “Russian Book House”. Manipulation is a type of psychological influence, in which one person forces another to some ...

Discussion of A.S. Pushkin’s work “The Captain’s Daughter”

Previous Next Students of A.H. Yeritsyan gymnasium at Lomonosov Moscow state university branch in Yerevan visited the ”Russian Book House” and held an open lesson. The children discussed the work of ...

UX Research Workshop

Previous Next The “Russian Book House” hosted another workshop on UX-research. During the meeting the guests got acquainted with the main types of research, the most common methods, completed several ...