On this page you can find all our events.

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Presentation of the book “The Palace King. Magic”

Previous Next What secrets lurks in the past of the land where the good Magic lives? Will Daten be able to cope if disaster comes, and the life of his father and the fate of Averia and other magical ...

Discussion and reading of the book “Women’s Diplomacy” by Inessa Tameyan

Previous Next At the “Russian Book House” a discussion and reading of the book “Women’s Diplomacy” by a contemporary writer Inessa Tameyan was held. The author draws the ...

The artistic and musical performance

Previous Next An artistic-musical staging was held at the “Russian Book House” in honor of the 130th anniversary of the Russian poetess of the Silver Age, Marina Tsvetaeva. The event was ...

Literary Moscow

Previous Next At the “Russian Book House” book exhibition and a creativity meeting with Russian writers was held. ...

Literary-artistic contest after L.Tolstoy

Previous Next On June 5, 2022 the “Russian Book House” in cooperation with the company “Livr” announced a literary-artistic contest named after Leo Tolstoy for the ...

Open lesson dedicated to the life and work of Armenian artist Minas Avetisyan

Previous Next The pupils of the primary school № 145 after S. Kaputikyan together with the painting and technology teacher Mane Vardanyan held an open lesson devoted to the life and works of the great ...